Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemistry Brain Teasers That Help Your Child Grow

Chemistry Brain Teasers That Help Your Child GrowChemistry brain teasers are simple tests that can be fun for children and their parents to complete together. Parents have often told me they enjoy challenging their children's minds by asking them to work through various questions. In fact, there are many websites that offer such types of games to use with the young ones.Not only will the tests have an effect on the children's minds, but the questions also have a direct bearing on their future. For example, if one of the questions is a test about minerals and another is a test about acids, the child will have to know how to combine two things to make one. It is a very interesting set of questions and it will prepare them well for other classes in the future. They will learn how to think creatively and it will help to introduce them to reading, writing and math concepts.However, not all questions are so easy and it is a good idea to make sure that the questions are interesting and enga ging. There is no harm in keeping a test like this for a few weeks so the child can do well in their chemistry class. But the main point here is that they need to find the interesting parts and not focus on any detail.One way to improve the performance of your child in a brain teaser is to make sure that they come up with as many correct answers as possible. When you have a long list of correct answers, it increases the child's confidence and reduces the time taken to answer the question. However, you should be careful to ensure that the list is not too long. If they go over the list, they may get tired and start forgetting answers.Also, try to avoid asking questions that require them to solve a complex problem or that are too difficult for them to answer. Many of the questions are based on basic logic and should be able to be solved without too much trouble. The main point here is that the child does not know the answer to the question, but they can still work on the logical part o f the test.Make sure that the questions are not too wordy either. Some of the questions will require them to write down answers and this can become very tiring for them. It is a good idea to find out what is normal for children and you can also incorporate that into the questions so the child can tackle the test.You should also make sure that you do not have too many questions that are similar to one another. When one child gets bored, it is best to have another child take over the test so that the child can enjoy the chemistry test and not have to stop and find something to do. You want to make sure that they learn a lot by trying to answer different types of questions and make sure that the mental stimulation is good for them.If you find that the chemistry test is too easy for your child, then you should also make sure that you are not asking them too many hard questions. This will make them feel anxious and they will need some time to cool down. Take some time to play with your c hild and let them get used to the feeling of taking a test.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to maximize effectiveness when working with a new tutor

How to maximize effectiveness when working with a new tutor As a tutor, my first session is often a chance for me to get a grip of what is going on with the student. To get the best mileage out of your tutor, it is helpful if you have the following information.If the instructor gives regular exams it is helpful to schedule tutoring before these important events. Sometimes timing is everything. Scheduling of tutoring sessions should be optimized to take advantage of the school calendar.Teacher contact information. The very best tutors (and those that follow the frog tutoring methodology) will contact the students teacher and create a lesson plan that will align tutoring sessions with classroom milestones for maximum results.Graded material is a great way for a tutor to understand how questions are asked and what kind of information the teacher places a premium on. Does the teacher want to test primarily on vocabulary? Does the teacher stress concepts? What is the teacher’s policy on showing work for mathematical problems and how many points are given for demonstrated work? These questions and others can be answered by seeing graded work. If graded work is kept in the classroom it is often possible to get photocopies provided of work completed by the teacher.What motivates the student? What motivations are currently being used to keep the student on track academically? Information on this can help the tutor coax higher levels of performance from a student in a way that they are familiar with. A good tutor may have insight on other means of motivating students to excellent performance. It is also helpful to let your tutor know of any passions your student has outside of school. If your child is very interested in nature it is possible to make obvious associations between their learning and biology, but ties can also be made to mathematics, for example genetics uses a lot of mathematical formulae as do the reaction rates of enzymes. Writing skills can be improved by looking at research papers and understanding the convent ions of footnotes and so on. The possibilities are, in fact, endless.A parent who is involved with the school system provides a better partner when communicating with the school system. A parent who has attended parent teacher conferences or sits on the PTA board will be able to provide valuable insights and have enhanced relationships.Also a student and their parents should have short and long term goals that are SMART. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realist, and Time bound. I cannot take personal credit for this acronym. This is actually taught by the US military to assure success in team assignments.Another thing that I recommend for all my students is to have a separate notebook to serve as a journal for their progress. I make a differentiation at this point for students who ask if this is a diary. It is not. This journal is meant to keep track of the work assigned and the work completed with the tutor. This journal should be a physical record of the w ork completed and can serve as a guide for the parents to see how their tutors time is being spent with their child.Reviewing this information would ideally be done on a regular basis by both the student and parents. Feedback from both parties with the tutor would be helpful.Also this can serve as notes for another tutor if another one needs to be found for any reason.A tutor is a significant investment for all involved, including the tutor, and it is a blessing that everyone involved desires the same goal. A successful and happy student!Happy studying!

Going off the Grid You Can Still Use These 6 Offline Translator Apps!

Going off the Grid You Can Still Use These 6 Offline Translator Apps! Going off the Grid? You Can Still Use These 6 Offline Translator Apps! You walk into an amazing, authentic Chinese restaurant.The menu is completely in Chinese. The entire staff and all the other people eating there are Chinese. Talk about the real deal!The only problem? Theres no Wi-Fi in the restaurant, so you cant translate the menu.What do you do in situations like this?Well, if you have an offline translator app on hand, theres no problem at all!Whether youre visiting authentic Chinese restaurants, spending the summer in France or hiking in Peru, youre bound to find yourself without Wi-Fi from time to time.  Thankfully, offline translator apps are here to save the day! Going off the Grid? You Can Still Use These 6 Offline Translator Apps!Translators are great tools for learning new words in a foreign language.  Dont just identify these words and forget about them. Create flashcard sets of the words youve encountered with your translator!FluentU is a fantastic tool for creating digital, interactive flashcards.    FluentU takes real-world videosâ€" like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. But besides videos, its also a resource for making interactive, multimedia flashcards!With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contextsâ€"the way that native speakers actually use them. Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU videos on offer:FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre studying.The program even keeps track of what you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store.Google TranslateAvailable:  iOS  |  AndroidPractically everybody knows about Google Translate!  Its mobile app is astounding, both online and offline. Its so ubiquitous that it’s the first and last app most people think of for translating.Languages OfferedWith the Google Translate app, you can choose to translate to and from 103 different languages. That’s only with an internet connection, though.When you use it offline, you have to download each language pack individually, and “only” 59 are available.Unique FeaturesGoogle Trans late was one of the first apps to implement the camera mode, which is now available in quite a few apps on the market.Right now, there’s an active community of multilingual Google users that translates and corrects the most commonly used words and phrases.  That extra human attention can really go a long way toward a smooth translation experience.WaygoAvailable:  iOS  |  AndroidIn Chinese, wàiguó  means “foreign.”Thats how the developers came up with the name Waygo. They were working and living in Asia and realized that an offline app would be perfect for travelers trying to navigate the unfamiliar languages around China, Japan and South Korea.Languages OfferedAs the developers of Waygo have special connections to East Asia, the app only works for Chinese, Japanese and Korean. More languages are said to be in development.Unique FeaturesWaygo was built to be a lightweight offline translator. You can even use it on older phones that don’t have the same processing power or st orage space as today’s flagships.Because a lot of people will be using this app in restaurants, the dictionary databases have a large stock of dish and ingredient names available.iTranslateAvailable:  iOS  |  AndroidThere’s nothing like beautiful aesthetics to keep you coming back to an app.  With iTranslate, the process of translating sentences and looking up words is intuitive and seamless, as well as robust enough to go toe-to-toe with industry giants. These features make it many users top choice for an offline translator app.In fact, the design team put so much work into making it run well on iOS that it won an Apple Design Award for 2018.Languages OfferedOnline, you can translate between 90 different languages, including specialized ones like non-standard Arabic languages and even Canadian French.Offline, that list shrinks down to a still respectable 37, covering a huge proportion of the world’s speakers.Unique FeaturesiTranslate is the only app on the market to support r eal-time conversation translation between non-standard varieties of Arabic.  People from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt can use this app just like anybody else, along with speakers of Cantonese, another language you won’t find on every app.Microsoft TranslatorAvailable:  iOS  |  AndroidMicrosoft Translator is working hard to optimize their translation technology for businesses, including a new feature where people can translate their PowerPoint presentations in real time.So how do their mobile apps stack up against the competition?Languages OfferedThe offline mode supports 44 languages, and 11 of the largest ones come with the more advanced neural network processing algorithmâ€"a fancy way to say that they use AI to improve translation quality.Unique FeaturesOther apps let you translate a conversation in real time, but if two users both have Microsoft Translator installed on their phones, it’s a cinch to actually create a private chat room.From there, each part icipant can type and receive messages in their own preferred languages.Microsoft Translator also provides multiple translation options. This is helpful if youre trying to communicate in a foreign language and need to find the best phrase to adequately express yourself.Baidu TranslateAvailable:  iOSYou may have heard of Baidu once or twice if youre from North America, but in China, it’s all the rage.Their translation algorithms have been making leaps and bounds in the past few years, particularly with Chinese as a source language.Languages OfferedThe app lets you translate between English and Chinese.  That might initially seem limiting, but according to many Chinese-speaking users who leave reviews online, Baidu Translates translations for Chinese are much more accurate than Google Translates.Unique FeaturesBaidu’s app probably has the widest range of neat features of any offline translation app on this list.One of the coolest is object translation, which allows you to snap a pi cture of something in the real world and see the Chinese and English names for it, along with native-speaker recordings.(Right now, object translation is only available when youre connected to the internet. But in a few years, who knows?)Offline, though, you can still have access to sample sentences for any one-word translations between English and Chinese, as well as a phrasebook that comes with native-speaker recordings.ABBYY TextGrabberAvailable:  iOS  |  AndroidSurprised to see an OCR (optical character recognition) brand name on this list? Sometimes a little specialization is good for a product.The idea is that ABBYY TextGrabber first and foremost is an OCR app that can digitize signs and menus, and the adequate translation function is just icing on the cake.Languages OfferedThis app actually has the most languages available for camera recognition on the market: over 60. That’s quite a few more than several of these other apps put together!Unique FeaturesABBYY TextGrabber has one feature and it does it well: finding text in images that are blurry, tilted or filled with strange alphabets.You can take that text and then use the built-in dictionaries to find out what it means. If you arent satisfied with those definitions, drop that text into one of the other apps on this list thats more focused on translation.Wherever you go in the world, simply making an effort to understand and be understood goes a long way.Learn from the translations that come out of your phone. Do your best to use them as a bridge to actual communication. That’s the key to an excellent journey!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Finding the Right Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities in Chicago

Finding the Right Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities in ChicagoMany people have benefited from working as a tutor and tutoring volunteer in Chicago, Illinois. If you are one of those people, you might have noticed that many companies and schools are turning to tutors and tutor volunteers to help fill their classes and help their employees get more out of their jobs.More people are finding that this type of work has many benefits for their lives and it can even be a way to increase their income. It is not just a good thing for people to know that they can make extra money or even learn something new about a subject they already know. It is a great way to make a real difference in your community.Finding out how to become a tutor in Chicago is not difficult. You can sign up with some volunteer tutoring programs, join a class offered by a company or go online to find many other tutoring opportunities.Some opportunities are on a schedule, while others allow you to sign up whenever you want. It will depend on the needs of the company and your own availability, but you should start getting to know those areas when you look for tutoring volunteer opportunities in Chicago.You should find out if the school that is offering you the job has the right company to provide you with the training and experience to succeed. If it does, it is very important that you know that the tutoring program they are using has a good reputation. Those who know about tutoring volunteering in Chicago tell people to look out for someone who is trustworthy.Hiring someone can be a tricky process because the first impression is crucial. Look into the people who are offering you the position to see what they are all about. If they can offer you good information about what they offer and how you can help the tutoring program in your area, you may find that the decision to hire you is a very easy one.Learning is one of the greatest things that anyone can do. The more people that are able to benefit from tutoring volunteer opportunities in Chicago, the better off everyone will be. Find out more about these opportunities by checking out the information above.

Laton Tutoring - The Pay As You Go Model of the Company

Laton Tutoring - The Pay As You Go Model of the CompanyLaton Tutoring is one of the newest companies in the marketplace today. This company works with different youth leaders and organizations and provides many different programs for youth and adults. One of the things that is so great about the services provided by this company is that it allows the youth to use the different services on a pay as you go basis.When there are many different students involved, the organization has to provide special materials that work with them individually. There are many of these materials that are tailored specifically to the specific needs of the student and the different classes. Some of the services offered include, music lessons, travel lessons, sports lessons, cooking lessons, photography lessons, martial arts lessons, computer training and so much more.The various programs are offered to many different students so they will all get the opportunity to succeed. Not everyone will succeed at the same rate. However, this company has one thing in common and that is that they are all very affordable and will allow the student to enjoy the education that they receive while on their pay as you go basis.This company offers various services to many different students at different times of the year. One thing that you should know about the organization is that they offer many different programs that are geared towards children and teenagers.They have programs such as, swimming, baseball, football, basketball, bowling, soccer, tennis, golf, gymnastics, aerobics, dance and many more different types of services that the students will enjoy. The options that they offer are so varied that they will allow all the students to enjoy the benefits that they will receive.In addition to the different facilities that they offer, they offer a wide variety of programs. You will be able to find many different types of programs that are designed to help all the different students and work for all t he different budgets.All of the different programs are able to work for all the different needs of the students. It will be up to the student to choose the program that is best for them.

5 Terms and Resources First-Generation College Students Need To Know

5 Terms and Resources First-Generation College Students Need To Know While the college application and enrollment process can be difficult for all students, it can be particularly challenging for first-generation college students who may lack the knowledgeable support system backing somepeers. Being a first-generation student is exciting and fun, but it may come with concerns.If youre about to embark on your first year as a college student (and are the first in your family to do so), you likely have a lot of questions. To feel more prepared, familiarize yourself with these five terms and resources all first-generation college students need to know, and get ready to push the boundaries of your academic life. FAFSA Perhaps the most important part of the college application process is the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid the money. First-generation students may not be aware of approaching deadlines, the application procedure, and FAFSA rules. Familiarize yourself with this resourceby reading through the FAQs, consulting a school counselor, or seeking advice from other students. Student support services Although all students may experience some struggle their first year, the transition can be particularly difficult for first-generation students. Familiarize yourself with the student support services available at your school. This can include things like a multicultural office, a counseling service, or a student life office. These resourcescan help with both academic and social issues, which can be a huge benefit to first-generation students. They provide networking skills and support to students who may feel like they have none. Alumni One of the most valuable resources for first-generation students is the alumniorganization at the school theyre attending. Alumni organizations consist of people who have graduated or attended your school and who wish to remain involved. Theyre typically passionate about education and college, and theyre a great resource if youve got questions. Alumni can help you with general and specific concerns, as well as give you an idea about the sort of atmosphere youll be entering. Time management Many college students have to work while going to school, and this number tends to be higher among first-generation students. Dont be discouraged. Learn some effective time managementskills before you embark on your academic journey so that youre able to make the most of your experience. Remember that teachers may be willing to work with students who are employed. Use breaks to do homework, prioritize responsibilities, and focus on your education. Graduation As a first-generation student, you may have been told that youre at a higher risk for dropping out. Statistics support this, but it doesnt have to be true. Focus on the end goal of your college academic experience graduation! Use this prospect to propel you in your education to pass your classes and excel in your major. By thinking of your experience a year at a time, its easy to lose sight of your end goal. Remember that youre the first in your family to get this far, and be proud of yourself!

5 Things to Know Before Buying a Used Guitar

5 Things to Know Before Buying a Used Guitar Jill Cole If youre in the market for an inexpensive guitar, youve probably noticed there are many, many used guitars for sale. How do you find a great guitar and avoid the lemons? Follow this guide from guitar teacher James W. and youll be on your way to finding the perfect new-used guitar Buying a used guitar can be a fun and rewarding experience if you know what to look for and what to avoid. Let’s delve into the details in a step-by-step way that makes sense. First off, what kind of guitar do you wish to own? Since buying is the pain and owning is the pleasure, it is good  to know what to look for. 1. Let Me Give You A Hand Are your hands big or small? I recommend that you choose a guitar based on your ability to wrap your  hand all the way around the neck. This is not just personal taste, its a physical thing. There’s no point in making things harder by picking a neck that is too big to  play comfortably, with strings too high off the fretboard to play a chord or two. Search for the kind of guitar you love to play and check it to see if the setup was done recently. If  you are not sure, ask the owner. Chances are they bought this guitar used or new and had to have the strings lowered and the  intonation set for it to play in tune. Are the tuners looking new? Were they an upgrade? Good tuners will keep the strings in tune longer, and a good setup means the guitar will be easier for you to play. 2. Tonewoods Mahogany, maple, rosewood, spruce, alder, ash, and basswood.  Ah the wonderful phrase:  â€œThat guitar has good tonewoods.” Most good acoustics have a spruce top and mahogany back and sides. Some use maple for the  top or other laminated woods for the back and sides of the guitar. I do not recommend buying a guitar with laminated back and  sides. Laminate guitars can be too easily damaged and dinged or dented. Stick with quality solid woods.  Something else to consider: Tonewoods have warm aural qualities and improve in sound with age. 3. Pickups Look for guitars for sale with stock pickups by Fender,Fishman, Gibson, Godin, Dimarzio,  EMG, or Seymour Duncan, as these are all quality makers. Today there are  as many types of guitar pickups as there are musical genres. If you listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn play blues you  may say single coil is the way to go. Both single coil and humbuckers are passive and rely on magnets to work. Listen to them and  compare the tone of each one through a good amp like a Marshall all tube( valve) amp or a Fender Champ Amp. Then decide what  you prefer. Remember to keep it simple and put good strings on that guitar once you get it home. Ernie Ball Slinkys (0.10’s) for  electric guitars and Elxirs for acoustic guitars are good choices. I also like EVH Premium electric guitar strings. 4. To Coil Tap or Not to Coil Tap Coil tapping is simply rewiring the guitar tone and volume knobs (a.k.a. pots) to “push and pull” so  you can get more variety of sounds out of one guitar. In the case of my Telecaster, coil tapping has given me the sound of up to 7 guitars in one. If you see an electric guitar with  this built into it and everything else looks good including the price then you may have found your prize. Snap it up! 5. Invest in a Hard Shell Case A hard shell case can keep your pride and joy safe from just about every  calamity known to man. It may be a used guitar but you still invested your hard earned dollars in it, so it’s wise to protect it. A hard shell case will cost more than a gig bag, but it  will pay for itself in peace of  mind. Trust me on this. I cannot express the trauma you feel when a baggage handler at the airport throws your guitar on the conveyer belt! It’s good to understand the choices and maybe even be a bit picky. Educate yourself by going into your local guitar store  and trying out several of their guitars for sale to see what makes you smile- “I like that one but I don’t like that one” and so on. Always buy trusted brands  like Fender and Gibson and Martin with quality parts built right in. Look for a guitar that has been maintained in good shape by the previous  owner. Guitars are like cars; they must be maintained and cared for.  And remember, if you have any questions along the way, your guitar teacher will be happy to help! Post Author:  James  W. James W. teaches guitar, singing, and acting  lessons in Jacksonville, FL. He specializes in teaching pop, rock, and modern country styles. James has been teaching for 10 years and joined the TakeLessons in 2010.  Learn more about James  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  nlnnet